Finding the balance: Student & Athlete

It takes a huge amount of dedication and willpower to be a Student-Athlete, so it’s important to find balance between your academic & athletic life. Here are 5 tips to help you find your balance as a Student-Athlete.

Got any more tips? Let us know in the comments below.

Get Organised

Plan your week in advance as best you can. Nobody likes the last minute rush and panic of running late or a looming deadline. Make a list, use a diary or calendar, download a planner app – whichever works best for you. This will help you to map out your week and schedule enough time to complete essential tasks.

Be sure to include:

  • Class Schedule
  • Projects/Assignments
  • Due Dates
  • Study Time
  • Training Sessions
  • Team Responsibilities
  • Game Days & Times
  • Rest/Breaks

Utilise Your Resources

Make the most of the services on offer to you. Get familiar with your school/college’s academic services, professors, study groups and tutoring services. They are fully equipped to address the needs of a Student-Athlete, and there is no shame in asking for extra support. Frequent the library, and take advantage of study hall and extra credit to stay on top of your academics.

Utilise Your Time

Use your time wisely, don’t procrastinate and let yourself fall behind. Complete your assignments as soon as you can once they’ve been given so you can use your spare time to get ahead rather than catch up. Use your weekends and travel time wherever possible to study, review your notes, read that next chapter etc. Put in that extra effort to stay ahead of the game in the classroom as well as on the field.

Stay Motivated

Keeping yourself motivated to work hard and perform as a student and an athlete is a huge task in itself. Therefore, it’s helpful to set your own goals and give yourself incentives to reach each semester, to make sure you stay satisfied with the progress you make and the effort you put in. Setting and achieving these goals will keep you motivated to maintain your place on the team as well as your GPA. It will test your dedication and willpower, and reward you for all of your hard work.

Rest and Downtime

Don’t be too hard on yourself. Remember, you have a lot of responsibilities as a Student-Athlete, so it’s important to take breaks to avoid burnout. It’s natural to want to be at the top of your game, giving 100% all of the time, but in order to perform well (academically and athletically), you must allow yourself time to rejuvenate. You can’t pour from an empty cup! Take some time throughout your day to relax, do the things you enjoy and give your mind and body a well-earned rest. Get enough sleep, drink enough water and take care of yourself – your performance, studies and mental health will benefit!

Have you considered becoming a student-athlete in the USA? Want to learn more and see if this could be the pathway for you?
If you’d like to find out more, or are looking for some advice on what might be the most suitable pathway for you, then contact us today for a free consultation.

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